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Prunus ilicifolia lyonii - Catalina Cherry
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Prunus ilicifolia lyonii -
Photo by Jennifer Leech

Botanic Name: Prunus ilicifolia lyonii
Common Name: Catalina Cherry
Size: 50'h x 20'w
Sun: Sun-pt. shd
H20: Occ.H2O/moist
Attracts Butterflies
Type: adults
A drought tolerant tree or large shrub with dark green leaves, dense habit, and neat appearance. Catalina Cherry grows moderately to as much as 50' with age and makes an excellent large screen or hedge. Found in the chaparral of the Channel Islands. Requires good drainage. Can take full sun to nearly full shade; will take drought or regular water (though water will speed its growth). Can be kept to any height by pruning. Said to be resistant to oak root fungus.

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