Yerba Buena Nursery
Wildflower Watch - Spring 2005
<< Previous Week Week 17 >> Next Week

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Our Meadow:

The meadow this week.
Meadow with more:

Picture of meadow from slightly back. Many flowers around the meadow are still blooming, though the meadow itself appears to be finished.
Common Buckeye:

Butterflies are very plentiful in the nursery right now. This stunning Common Buckeye was kind enough to rest long enough for me to bring the camera...

Salvia clevelandii
'Winifred Gilman':

A coveted selection of Salvia clevelandii (Cleveland Sage) called 'Winifred Gilman', known for its cobalt blue flowers, red stems, and mouth-watering scent. This plant has actually been blooming for several weeks in our garden, and only seems to have more and more flowers each week.
'Winifred Gilman'
(spray of flowers):

Closer look at the spray of flowers.
'Winifred Gilman'

Close-up of the Winifred Gilman flowers. Hummingbirds enjoy these tubular, closely packed nectar sources.

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