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We are keeping this site alive while we continue to port all of the content over to the new site.

Please note. We are not actively maintaining this site. Prices and inventory are not current or correct.

For correct pricing and inventory, please visit the new site
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Gerda Isenberg Native Plant Garden
Native Plant Demonstration Garden | Wildlife at Yerba Buena Nursery

A path in our Demonstration Garden
Yerba Buena Nursery's 2.5 acre Demonstration Garden, begun by Gerda Isenberg around 1980, is host to hundreds of specimens of plants native to California, ranging from 0 to 25 years of age. In our garden we are lucky to be able to provide a variety of widely ranging growing conditions -- this has allowed us to plant specific areas to reflect different plant communities, and select other areas for demonstration of different varieties/selections/species of plants from the same genus -- an excellent opportunity for comparison.

In our garden we host:

  • a redwood grove
  • a pond (with associated riparian plants)
  • a varied woodland community
  • a sunny hillside with many examples of mimulus (monkeyflower), currant, mallow, buckwheat and more
  • a salvia (sage) demonstration area
  • a manzanita and ceanothus (wild lilac) demonstration area
  • a wildflower meadow
  • other assorted plantings of a variety of adaptable plants throughout the garden.

Hillside with with various species of Ceanothus

Lichen-covered bench in the Garden
Benches provide a place to rest, and offer pleasant vistas. Plants throughout the garden are labeled with both botanic and common names; if you see a plant unlabeled and want to know what it is, please ask! We endeavor to provide labeling which is as complete as possible, but there are always more plants to label than we can get around to.

Paths in the garden vary from wide, somewhat level paths, to meandering paths that are somewhat rough; the wider paths are wheelchair accessible (though bumpy), but the narrower paths will require nimble feet.

We hope our demonstration garden will help you in your gardening decisions!

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Yerba Buena Nursery
(650) 851-1668

Visit Us:
@ Pastorino Farms
12511 San Mateo Road (Highway 92)
Half Moon Bay, CA

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3188
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019


COVID Business Hours

We offer Pick-ups and Deliveries on Tuesdays & Fridays from our parking lot,
by advance email orders to kathy@nativeplants.com

Retail Floor is open on Tuesdays & Fridays from 10-4
The nursery is CLOSED all other days for the safety of our customers and staff.

We are open in our new Half Moon Bay Location!